Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Devotion for the Lighting of an Advent Wreath

The Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 23
(Light all of the candles)

With the lighting of this candle, the outer circle of light is complete.  Gradually, Sunday by Sunday, we have added light until now the entire wreath is burning, except for the center Christ candle, which will be kindled on Christmas Eve.  We have moved from darkness into the wonder of Christ's light.  We see the realization of the Fourth Evangelists' words:

"The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness did not overcome it."

With the lighting of this fourth and last Advent candle, we have before us a graphic reminder that God's purposes shall always overcome those of darkness.  The triumph will take time.  The victory is not always readily evident.  But, in God's own time, God's will is done.  In the Christ event, God proclaims the victory.

So, as our wreath stands fully lighted, our hearts are ablaze with hope, but also with triumph. 

For behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
And his name shall be called "God With Us."

O Lord,
Who prepares our hearts for the coming of Your Son into the world,
Ground us in the assurance that the darkness shall not overcome us;
In the name of the One whom You call "Emmanuel."

1 comment:

  1. I found this helpful and meaningful as I lit that 4th candle. Thank you for these :)


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