Thursday, May 23, 2019

Of Leaders and Leadership

This past Sunday, we called a quick stand-up meeting of all the people present in that worship service who were serving our church as lay liturgists.  The purpose of the gathering was to say a couple of words about a change in “job description” for these volunteers, and I will say more about that soon.

But, my observation on this moment was that there sure were a lot of folks there!  When I first got to the meeting site there were five or six people standing there.  That many again were approaching, and so I began.  But, in the few ticks of the clock in which we assembled, the people just kept on coming.  By the time I was through, there were easily two-dozen individuals standing there with me.  And, truth be known, everyone on our roster didn’t happen to be present that day.

I wish I had had the presence of mind to say to the rest of the worshipers who were still in the sanctuary, “Look!  Look at this great number of people who give of themselves in the leadership of worship.”  We sometimes take our volunteers for granted.  Or worse, think that no one is doing anything in support of the work of the church. 

It may sometimes be difficult to draw people into certain church jobs.  But, when this number of people say, “I want to contribute to the worship life of my faith community,”  I am heartened beyond my ability to describe.

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